The whole and its parts

Researching biodynamic agriculture

Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester, United Kingdom

31 August - 4 September 2025


Biodynamic agriculture is about taking responsibility for life on this planet. It seeks to maintain relationships of balance, recognizing that humans are part of the communion of all beings. We invite researchers interested in biodynamic agriculture to join the 3rd International Biodynamic Research Conference and share their work on holistic farming across all knowledge systems.

A holistic perspective

Biodynamic agriculture is an approach to farming based on cooperation with nature and natural processes. Preceding the development of organic farming and agroecology, it continues to offer both an alternative conceptual foundation and practical framework for the sustainable transformation of food and farming systems. It also acknowledges the socio-cultural and spiritual dimensions of agriculture.

To advance the sustainable transformation of food and farming, the complex and holistic nature of agriculture requires research that spans a plurality of knowledge systems and dimensions.

Research in biodynamic agriculture requires a holistic perspective – not only to account for the many dimensions of farming but also to embrace the potential contributions of diverse knowledge systems to truly understand, develop, and transform the field.

With the aim of discovering new perspectives in biodynamic agriculture research, the conference will place special emphasis on holistic approaches and study concepts.

We welcome research exploring various dimensions of biodynamics – whether ecological, artistic, humanistic, or economic – as well as research employing diverse methodologies and knowledge systems.

Call for Contributions and Papers

All researchers working or interested in gaining new perspectives on biodynamic food and farming are welcome to attend. Throughout the conference, a variety of meaningful spaces will be offered for exchange and discussion on different aspects of biodynamic agriculture. Participants are encouraged to co-create this space by proposing papers and workshops for the event.

The Royal Agricultural University

The Royal Agricultural University is a public university in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Established in 1845, it was the first agricultural college in the English-speaking world. Today, the university provides more than 30 land-based undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to students from over 45 countries.


If you wish to receive regular updates and news on the 3rd International Biodynamic Research Conference, please subscribe to the research newsletter of the Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum.

Further Information

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For any questions, please feel free to contact us at biodynamic.research@goetheanum.ch

Conference venue

Royal Agricultural University

Stroud Rd., Cirencester

United Kingdom


Biodynamic Research: Factsheets and Booklets

Biodynamic Research in French language


Biodynamic Association (United Kingdom)

Website | News blog

Biodynamic Federation Demeter International

Website | News


Website | Research Newsletter

Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum

Website | Research Newsletter

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